Friday, September 8, 2017

With Whom do we Pray?

The Spirit-Light that is the Dominican charism reveals beautiful hues like the rainbow. Also called the “pillars” of Dominican life, these mainstays are Common Life, Common Prayer, Study, and Mission/Ministry. We’ve reflected briefly on the vows which set the context for the charism, and on Common Life as a “Widening of the Tent.” What may be a new way to understand Common Prayer as we move forward in time?

Common Prayer has always meant that praying with others is a part of our Dominican life. Usually it meant the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist. The importance of this “praying together” can be demonstrated with a simple image. Light a candle. Then invite five others to light a candle too. Your candlelight is piercing the darkness, but the power and beauty of the gathered light is even more beautiful to see. “Where two or more are gathered, there am I…”

But in our times the “others” has suddenly become part of the “Widening of our Tent.” So who are these “others” that I might pray with? For some of us praying the Office is our mainstay, and the “others” are those with whom I live. For some of us who live singly, there are no “others” physically present. But make no mistake, there are “others.” We just have to be more intentional
about bonding with them. Wherever you are, you can surround yourself with a “cloud of witnesses” when you pray. Maybe they are the folks on your block or in your apartment building. You may intentionally link your prayer with those at Siena Center. You may bond with the poor you serve, or those struggling in refugee camps, or who are isolated in prisons. How are you going to exercise your Common Prayer. Nothing need prevent you. The “others” need you…and you need the “others.” Common Prayer in a new key…

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