The challenges we face now
often draw from our charism, from our ministerial situations, or from our
cultural realities. I’d like to ponder the “background music” to all of these.
I mean the counsels we have taken
upon ourselves by vow. The counsels are radical Christian values that identify
us as folks living within the lifestyle called consecrated life. Like the married, we have a set of vows added to
our baptismal vows. These public vows witness to something, just as the
married, by their wedding vows, witness to the faithful love of Jesus for his
people. Those in religious life witness to the counsels as signs of the kingdom
already in our midst.
The counsel of Poverty has
nothing to do with destitution. Destitution is not a sign of the Kingdom. But a
non-consumerist stance in daily life is. The vow of Poverty means we live
simply so that others can simply live. We live open to the needs of others
making a claim on us. Now this witness is not just for us. It’s for the entire
Church…indeed for the whole culture that is home to us. The mutual care we
daily extend to one another, the sharing of material goods, the goal of
reducing waste, and recycling what we can, is a value catching on gradually
across the globe.
We’ve been around for 800
years…but we are just beginning.
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