The Easter season is a time of formation in discipleship. The risen Lord is showing us that he is going to be present…but not the way he used to be…walking, talking, eating…with the disciples. He is weening them from physical experience, and forming them for a faith-walk. He presents the intimate image of himself as Shepherd. He also describes how he will feed that constant new faithful presence. He tells the disciples that they must daily eat him. They must eat his flesh and drink his blood. At first they are shocked at this language. But soon they begin to understand a little of the mystery of how this has to do with the way they relate to one another.
The word for flesh is sarx. It means more than body, which is the word soma. It means humanness with all its limitations. But he has a risen, transformed humanness…He is no longer “limited.” So, what could he possibly mean? Ah…he is the risen head, but his Body, which we are, is still struggling in time/space, with all its “limits.” Could he mean that our “daily bread’ is the total Christ…that each time we receive him sacramentaly we also welcome each other? Could he mean that daily we must ‘eat’ one another with all those limitations, faults, and irritations? Even more amazing, could he mean that this type of ‘communion’ is going on all over the world…on the evening news, as compassion shows up in the most unexpected places? Do w know what we are asking for, when we pray “Give us this day, our daily bread…?”
Now they see you, now they don’t.
What is this game you’re playing?
Are you ‘going to the Father?’
Will you be ‘with us until the end of the age?’
Or maybe the answer is, ‘Yes!’
You really have never ‘left’ have you.
You have found a way to stay with us even as you return to your Father.
You have found a way to feed our love quotient day by day
Each time we feed on you…
Because you bring them all, don’t you.
All my family, my friends, and yes, those I consider enemies.
They are not all to my ‘taste.’ They irritate me.
Is it really ‘all or nothing’ with you?
Can’t have the Head without the Body?
Be patient with me…
I’m still learning…
What ‘give us this day our daily bread’ might really mean.