We are in the Easter glow. We have just celebrated Mercy Sunday. Once more we are invited to stand with mouths open in wonder at what the resurrection of Jesus means for each of us.
We remember marveling in the past as we watched Star Wars when we heard the words, “Beam me up, Scotty!” Sci-fi worked its wonders when the human in the spaceship reappeared on the planet surface. We were watching a physics which we knew didn’t yet exist transport humans from one place to another. But this Easter season brings us a pledge of what does already exist.
What does the risen Jesus, seen by over five hundred people, come to tell us? He comes to give us the first glimpse of a promise.
The risen Jesus is no ghost. He is a transformed human, wounds shining like badges of honor. He reveals a physics we know nothing of yet, a physics of what self-giving love does to the human being. He gave a glimpse of this to Peter, James, and John in the Transfiguration, when they could barely look at him for the brilliance. For just a while the veil lifted and they were shown the beauty of who they were dealing with. But then came the suffering, and that has the habit of dousing wonder and joy. But the resurrection was permanent. The veil was gone - forever. He was making them, and us, a promise. As he is so shall we be, because that is what love does. It makes you beautiful.
Is it you – really?
And it will be me…really?
Then the struggle is worth it.
I have your word for it.