With reflections on Pope Francis’ Laudato si and Fratelli tutti behind us, (See past issues of Community Connections) we again put our ears to the heart of the Church. We begin to listen to what Francis is dreaming about for the Church and the world. I suspect we will be hearing some of this dreaming taking real shape as the Synodal Movement unfolds.
This month we will just look at seven major themes that come from Let us Dream: The Path to A Better Future by Pope Francis in conversation with Austen Ivereigh. They will challenge us just be reading them. Next month we will start unpacking what they might mean as we enter a time of becoming a new kind of Church as the Synodal Movement is launched.
1. To come out of this crisis better, we have to see clearly, choose well, and act right. Let’s talk about how. Let us dare to dream.
2. We must redesign the economy so that it can offer every person access to a dignified existence while protecting and regenerating the natural world.
3. What is the greatest fruit of a personal crisis? I’d say patience, sprinkled with a healthy sense of humor, which allows us to endure and make space for change to happen.
4. When I speak of change I mean that those people who are now on the edges become the means of changing society.
5. We do not possess the truth so much as the truth possesses us, constantly attracting us by means of beauty and goodness.
6. Sin is a rejection of the limits that love requires.
7. Our greatest power is not in the respect that others have for us, but the service we can offer others.
These themes will offer us much to ponder in the months ahead…!