Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Lady…

As the Christmas season ends, we celebrate the Feast of the Purification…a strange feast in a way, because this Lady needs no purification. So why does the Church continue right on with no apologies? Because, says Isaac of Stella, an early  abbot, “…whatever we say of this lady we must say in some way about the Church and about the individual person.” Now that’s quite a statement. I can hear you thinking… “now just wait a minute…I’m no immaculate conception!” As you might guess, the truth is in the theological distinctions.
The Feast of the Purification sounds a note at this beginning of Ordinary Time. Our lives as Church and as individuals are one big ongoing purification, if we are honest. We are challenged daily to become more who we really are, and God is relentless… calling us step by step into our becoming that dream God sees so clearly. We are the blind ones. We spend all too much time resisting, and being fearful of where God might be leading.
Enter Mary, the woman who signed a blank check and never wavered as God filled it in. So there’s the call. Watch the readings these weeks. Keep asking, “How am I going to be asked to go through the car wash this week?”
Not only do you have depths to your soul where no sin has never touched, you will give birth to the Christ day to day, or as Meister Eckhart reminds us “…your life will be sterile.” If that is not shocking enough, you too must be a theotokos or God-bearer, and a pneumataphora, a Spirit-breather, as she is. As the Eastern Church reminds us, we are indwelt by the Triune God, and it is wise to keep our eyes on our Mother, for she will remind us of God’s dream for us. She is already what we shall be in our immaculate completion. Don’t waste time objecting. Keep your focus, and get on with the project!
your beauty amazes the angels.
It amazes me too.
Are you the mirror I’m to look into?
Am I to look like you…eventually?
Keep your eye on me…
I tend to forget, and get bogged down with all the struggle.
Pray my ears and heart open to the Word these winter days,
when my faith-walk gets dreary and my heart grows heavy with wondering
what’s the worth of it all.
Star of the Sea, keep me steady, and full of quiet joy
knowing there is a plan for me that your Son always has in mind.

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